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Proximate analysis, which includes moisture content, volatile matter, and ash content, possesses a significant inverse proportionality with the calorific value between the biomass briquettes, although each element of the analysis must be taken into account. However, there was no significant relationship between those parameters with the ignition time and burning rate of these groups.

Decreasing the binder concentration decreases the moisture, volatile matter, and ash content and increases the calorific value. With effectiveness defined in this study as having high calorific value and low proximate analysis, the most effective ratio is also identified as CG2, which holds the lowest binder amount and most desirable combustion characteristics.

The combustion properties of CG briquettes are significantly more effective than WH in terms of moisture content, ash content, and calorific 

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value. On the other hand, no significant difference is present between the ignition time and the burning rate of the two biomass sources.

Generally, the briquettes made with CG biomass and CS binder displayed desirable combustion characteristics as a potential biomass briquette and can be utilized as an environmentally sustainable alternative source of energy.

With the assistance of the Department of Science and Technology, the researchers have formulated biomass-binder ratios that were deemed optimal for the study at hand. To further expand the understanding of the impact of binders on the characteristics of briquettes, it is recommended that future studies incorporate a broader spectrum of biomass-binder ratios, thereby providing a more comprehensive dataset.

Due to inherent limitations in the study, the researchers were unable to conduct a comprehensive

It is imperative that charcoal briquettes must strive to meet environmental standards. However, due to the lack of testing sites, there needs to be more research on the comprehensive environmental impact of these briquettes. Consequently, future studies should endeavor to approximate the gas emissions of these briquettes, particularly concerning NOx, SOx, and Carbon emissions to offer valuable insights into their environmental viability.

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analysis of themorphological and physical characteristics of the briquette. Consequently, it is recommended that a more extensive examination of these characteristics be carried out, as such an analysis is likely to yield valuable insights into the briquette's burning rate, and ignition time, among other pertinent characteristics.

The empirical findings indicate that Cogon grass exhibits remarkable efficiency as a biomass material for the production of briquettes. In light of this discovery, the researchers recommend further exploration of alternative biomass materials, coupled with the use of various binders, to expand the range of sustainable briquette options available.

In light of the absence of a standardized approach to briquette production, extensive consultations were conducted with the DOST-FPRDI to determine the optimal methodology. To this end, it is recommended that future studies investigate diverse techniques for creating briquettes utilizing varying materials and ratios, with the ultimate goal of establishing a formal and standardized process for producing biomass briquettes.

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